Results for 'J. M. Molina-Aldareguía'

945 found
  1.  28
    An experimental and numerical study of the influence of local effects on the application of the fibre push-in test.Jon M. Molina-Aldareguía, M. Rodríguez, C. González & J. LLorca - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1293-1307.
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    Deformation mechanisms of ultra-thin Al layers in Al/SiC nanolaminates as a function of thickness and temperature.L. W. Yang, C. Mayer, N. Chawla, J. Llorca & J. M. Molina-Aldareguía - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-20.
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    The Holographic Quantum.P. Fernández de Córdoba, J. M. Isidro & J. Vazquez Molina - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (7):787-803.
    We present a map of standard quantum mechanics onto a dual theory, that of the classical thermodynamics of irreversible processes. While no gravity is present in our construction, our map exhibits features that are reminiscent of the holographic principle of quantum gravity.
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  4. A comparative analysis of biomedical research ethics regulation systems in Europe and Latin America with regard to the protection of human subjects.E. Lamas, M. Ferrer, A. Molina, R. Salinas, A. Hevia, A. Bota, D. Feinholz, M. Fuchs, R. Schramm, J. -C. Tealdi & S. Zorrilla - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):750-753.
    The European project European and Latin American Systems of Ethics Regulation of Biomedical Research Project (EULABOR) has carried out the first comparative analysis of ethics regulation systems for biomedical research in seven countries in Europe and Latin America, evaluating their roles in the protection of human subjects. We developed a conceptual and methodological framework defining ‘ethics regulation system for biomedical research’ as a set of actors, institutions, codes and laws involved in overseeing the ethics of biomedical research on humans. This (...)
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    Evolution of Tags in Classifier Systems.A. Sanchis, J. M. Molina, P. Isasi & J. Segovia - 2001 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 11 (5):313-342.
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    BERTI, ENRICO Ser y tiempo en Aristóteles, Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2011, 120 pp. [REVIEW]J. M. L. Molina-Niñirola - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico:461-464.
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    The Improvisational State of Mind: A Multidisciplinary Study of an Improvisatory Approach to Classical Music Repertoire Performance.David Dolan, Henrik J. Jensen, Pedro A. M. Mediano, Miguel Molina-Solana, Hardik Rajpal, Fernando Rosas & John A. Sloboda - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Foreground object detection for video surveillance by fuzzy logic based estimation of pixel illumination states.Miguel A. Molina-Cabello, Ezequiel López-Rubio, Rafael M. Luque-Baena, Enrique Domínguez & Esteban J. Palomo - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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  9. ¿Es la Contingencia una esencia? Una revisión a la teoría de la contingencia de Richard Rorty.Alejandro J. Molina M. - 2013 - Apuntes Filosóficos 22 (42).
    En el siguiente artículo intentaremos mostrar cómo la definición de Contingencia individual, dentro del discurso de Richard Rorty, genera ciertos problemas. Este autor menciona que debemos deslastrarnos de las siguientes dicotomías conceptuales: objetivo-subjetivo, moralidad-prudencia, apariencia-realidad, esencia-accidente, absoluto-relativo, entre otras. A todo esto Rorty propone un nuevo concepto: Contingencia, el cual sería una definición útil que lograría justificar la desaparición de las concepciones como algo que petrifica el conocimiento y lo hace inútil para entender la realidad, es decir, el conocimiento no (...)
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    On the Owen Set of Transportation Solutions.N. Llorca, E. Molina, M. Pulido & J. Sánchez-Soriano - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (1-2):215-228.
    This paper presents an axiomatic characterization of the Owen set of transportation games. In the characterization we use six properties including consistency (CONS2) and splitting and merging (SM) which are firstly proposed and defined for this setup in the present paper.
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    An Ethical Framework for Research Using Genetic Ancestry.Anna C. F. Lewis, Santiago J. Molina, Paul S. Appelbaum, Bege Dauda, Agustin Fuentes, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, Nayanika Ghosh, Robert C. Green, Evelynn M. Hammonds, Janina M. Jeff, David S. Jones, Eimear E. Kenny, Peter Kraft, Madelyn Mauro, Anil P. S. Ori, Aaron Panofsky, Mashaal Sohail, Benjamin M. Neale & Danielle S. Allen - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (2):225-248.
    ABSTRACT:A wide range of research uses patterns of genetic variation to infer genetic similarity between individuals, typically referred to as genetic ancestry. This research includes inference of human demographic history, understanding the genetic architecture of traits, and predicting disease risk. Researchers are not just structuring an intellectual inquiry when using genetic ancestry, they are also creating analytical frameworks with broader societal ramifications. This essay presents an ethics framework in the spirit of virtue ethics for these researchers: rather than focus on (...)
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  12.  90
    Conocimiento y verdad: pragmatismo, contextualismo y solución epistémica.Antonio M. López Molina - 2010 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:251-273.
    Knowledge and true relations represent the principal task of Theory of Knowledge. This paper argues about various solutions to the justification of knowledge, given by William James, Richard Rorty and Jürgen Habermas. For classic Pragmatism Knowledge and Truth converge with the idea of a guideline, direction and orientation with an effective value for men. The Newpragmatism represented by Rorty tries out the way of the widest possible widening of justification contexts, taking as last referent the features of a western liberal (...)
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  13. López Molina, A. M.: Razón pura y juicio reflexinante en Kant. [REVIEW]J. López Tapia - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:386-390.
  14.  16
    M. Canto-Sperber (dir.) en colaboración con J. Barnes, L. Brisson, J. Brunschwig y G. Vlastos, Filosofia Griega, trad. esp. A. Aguado, t. 2: La filosofia en la época helenística, Buenos Aires 2000 (Editorial Docencia, págs. xi + 465–865). [REVIEW]Mario Molina Maydl - 2004 - Méthexis 17 (1):152-154.
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  15. Baltasar Gracián. Palemo, 10 y 11 de octubre de 1986.J. M. Ayala - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 8:213-214.
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  16. Heredia Soriano, Antonio (Ed.); Actas del V Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía Española de la Filosofía Española.J. M. Ayala - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 13:103-105.
  17.  40
    My favourite cell: The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe.J. M. Mitchison - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (4):189-191.
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    Astrologia: da rejeiçao patrística Ë apologètica medieval.J. M. Da Cruz Pontes - 1998 - Humanitas 50:285-292.
  19. Praxis educativa y participación política.J. M. Rosales - 1993 - Diálogo Filosófico 25:89-97.
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  20.  49
    Boekbesprekingen.J.-M. Tison, Th C. De Kruljf, R. Mennes, P. Fransen, Bernard Van Dorpe, B. Van Dorpe, Jos Vercruysse, F. Tillmans, C. Verhaak, A. Poncelet, A. J. Leijen, G. Swüste, J. H. Nota, R. Hostie, P. Van Doornik & P. Grootens - 1969 - Bijdragen 30 (2):204-226.
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    Notities.J.-M. Tison, Jos Vercruysse & H. Robbers - 1967 - Bijdragen 28 (4):439-447.
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  22. El futuro en sus manos: Entrevista a Hamilton O. Smith, Marchal W. Nirenberg, Mario J. Molina, Edmond H. Fischer y Werner Arber. [REVIEW]Norberto M. Ibáñez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 49:29-39.
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  23. Language, duty, and value. Philosophical essays presented to J. O. Urmson.J. Dancy, J. M. E. Moravsik & C. C. W. Taylor - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):683-684.
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    Tractat d'AstrologiaBartomeu de Tresbéns.J. M. Millás-Vallicrosa - 1959 - Isis 50 (2):169-169.
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    The Moral Life of Professionals in Newborn Screening in the Netherlands: A Qualitative Study.Anke J. M. Oerlemans, Leo A. J. Kluijtmans & Simone van der Burg - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (1).
    Newborn screening involves a complex logistical process, which depends on the close cooperation of many professionals, such as midwives, laboratory technicians, general practitioners and pediatricians. These professionals may encounter moral problems in the process, which have not been systematically studied before. This study fills this gap. We conducted interviews with 36 professionals involved in NBS in the Netherlands and made an inventory of the moral problems they encounter, as well as of the ways in which they tend to respond to (...)
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  26.  38
    John Hadley.L. J. M. Coleby - 1952 - Annals of Science 8 (4):293-301.
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  27. Over christendom en humanisme.J. J. M. Van der Ven - 1946 - Bussum,: P. Brand.
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  28. The soul and its parts: debates about the powers of the soul.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 2018 - In Stephan Schmid, Philosophy of Mind in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. New York: Routledge.
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  29.  23
    Arthur MacGregor . Naturalists in the Field: Collecting, Recording, and Preserving the Natural World from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century. xxxix + 999 pp., illus., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018. €245 . ISBN 9789004323834. [REVIEW]Samuel J. M. M. Alberti - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):576-577.
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  30.  52
    J. Den Boeft, D. Den Hengst, H. C. Teitler: Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XX. Pp. xv + 338; 4 plans. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1987. fl. 90. [REVIEW]J. M. Alonso-Núñez - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (2):397-397.
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  31. MEREDITH, J. C. - Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. [REVIEW]J. M. O'sullivan - 1912 - Mind 21:546.
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    Mathematics Nicolas Malebranche, Oeuvres Complètes, Tome XVII-2, Mathematica. Ed. by Pierre Costabel. Paris: Librairie Philosphique J. Vrin. 1968. Pp. ix + 375. Price not stated. [REVIEW]H. J. M. Bos - 1970 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (1):91-91.
  33.  6
    Faith, hope and love: Thomas Aquinas on living by the theological virtues: a collection of studies presented at the fourth conference of the Thomas Instituut te Utrecht, December 11-14, 2013.Harm J. M. J. Goris, Lambert Hendriks & Henk J. M. Schoot (eds.) - 2015 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    During the last two decades virtue ethics has become the focal point of renewed ethical and theological interest. To lead a good life, it proves useful to watch those who have mastered the art of living. The conviction that living is an art is at the heart of virtue ethics. Living a good life requires exercise, and is a question of acquiring a virtuous character rather than of complying with external ethical and legal rules. This renaissance partly builds on Thomas (...)
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  34. 'I Am a Christian and Cannot Fight' [Signed J.M.R.].M. R. J. & Christian - 1907
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  35. (1 other version)Logic and Philosophy for Linguists a Book of Readings; Edited by J.M.E. Moravcsik. --.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1974 - Humanities Press.
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  36. "Poetry and Dialectic": J. M. Cameron. [REVIEW]J. M. Ellis - 1962 - British Journal of Aesthetics 2 (3):290.
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    Verweyen, Johannes M., Der Edelmensch und seine Werte.J. M. Verweyen - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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  38. Apologétique et dialogue interreligieux.J. -M. Aveline - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):491-573.
    Proposant quelques réflexions suggérées par 1a Lettre de 1896 sur fond de questionnement contemporain , J.-M. Aveline examine d'abord le rapport entre théologie chrétienne et dialogue interreligieux, et l'évolution de la toute récente théologie des religions depuis Vatican II. L'intérêt de la relecture de Blondel dans cette perspective est d'abord de prévenir les facilités, impasses et illusions dans lesquelles la vieille apologétique s'était enferrée, et de donner les conditions d'un véritable dialogue. Pour dépasser les limites d’un pluralisme conçu comme simple (...)
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    The Ecological Approach To Visual Perception, by J.J. Gibson.J. M. Heaton - 1982 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 13 (1):98-99.
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    The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems, by J. J. Gibson.J. M. Heaton - 1971 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 2 (2):104-105.
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    Military Obedience.Colonel Bem Leclercq J.-M. - 2002 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (2-3):81-95.
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  42. Confinement systems of ewe and Lamb management.J. M. Lewis & Dixon Springs Agricultural Center - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  43. The Fate of Art: Aesthetic Alienation From Kant to Derrida and Adorno.J. M. Bernstein - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Aesthetic alienation may be described as the paradoxical relationship whereby art and truth have come to be divorced from one another while nonetheless remaining entwined. J. M. Bernstein not only finds the separation of art and truth problematic, but also contends that we continue to experience art as sensuous and particular, thus complicating and challenging the cultural self-understanding of modernity. Bernstein focuses on the work of four key philosophers—Kant, Heidegger, Derrida, and Adorno—and provides powerful new interpretations of their views. Bernstein (...)
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  44.  10
    Der Neid in der griechischen Philosophie.J. M. E. Moravcsik & Ernst Milobenski - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (1):118.
  45.  97
    Roman Portraiture in the Third Century A.D. - Bianca Maria Felletti Maj : Iconografia romana imperiale da Severo Alessandro a M. Aurelio Carino, 222–285 d. C. Pp. 309; 209 figs, on 60 plates. Rome: L' Erma di Bretschneider, 1958. Paper, L. 11,000.J. M. C. Toynbee - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (03):281-.
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    Recovering ethical life: Jürgen Habermas and the future of critical theory.J. M. Bernstein - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Jurgen Habermas' construction of a critical social theory of society grounded in communicative reason is one of the very few real philosophical inventions of recent times that demands and repays extended engagement. In this elaborate and sympathetic study which places Habermas' project in the context of critical theory as a whole past and future, J. M. Bernstein argues that despite its undoubted achievements, it contributes to the very problems of ethical dislocation and meaninglessness it aims to diagnose and remedy. Bernstein (...)
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  47. A partially truth-functional modal calculus.J. M. Orenduff - 1975 - Logique Et Analyse 18 (69):91.
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    Hume, Moore, and naturalistic ethics.J. M. Orenduff - 1980 - Journal of Value Inquiry 14 (2):157-161.
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    The Later Plato.J. M. Osborn - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (02):243-.
  50. A Turn Away from" Language"?J. M. Perl - 1995 - Common Knowledge 4:27-29.
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